The very name of the company is linked to our main goal. We give sense to your finances. Whether you are an individual or a company.

Getting to know the world of financial offers is often very complicated and time consuming. By building trust between us and the client, it gives us responsibility and saves the client time and money. Given that one of our main goals is long-term cooperation, trust between us and the client is key for us.


Key people gain their first experience in consulting
Establishment of FinSense
Acquisition of FinSense Insurance (acquisition of a brokerage company established in 2000)
Establishment of FinSense Reality
Establishment of FinSense Development
Acquisition of AFK (strategic cooperation with a consulting company)
Establishment of FinSense AGRO


The very name of the company is linked to our main goal. We give sense to your finances. Whether you are an individual or a company.

Getting to know the world of financial offers is often very complicated and time consuming. By building trust between us and the client, it gives us responsibility and saves the client time and money. Given that one of our main goals is long-term cooperation, trust between us and the client is key for us.

The year 2014 came and the opportunity to acquire a well-established brokerage company dedicated to entrepreneurs and companies. It was a big challenge and we experienced getting and keeping clients who are used to a different way of communication first-hand.

We consider 2016 to be one of the biggest milestones, when we established the real estate and development division. We seized the opportunity and embarked on projects that required much higher budgets than we were used to. However, we were able to control the cash flow so that we could open multiple projects at once and exit them gradually. This period is not over and we currently have open projects for the next 5 years. Find out more on the website in the development section.

In 2017, we managed to arrange cooperation with an AFK company, and thanks to this strategic cooperation, we increased the client base, which helps to further stabilize our companies. Proof of our long-term cooperation with clients is mutual support, the back office and especially the representation of individual clients of our colleagues.

In 2020, the services of personal and corporate counseling were supplemented. FinSense AGRO was established, which provides support to Czech farmers, mainly in the field of insurance, disposal of insured events and subsidy programs.

All our efforts and successes are primarily because of our teamwork. Although it is a business model, we approach our partners and colleagues humanly and try to build a family atmosphere. We are not a company based on numbers, titles and medals, we enjoy our jobs, it is our life's work and the satisfaction of our clients is primarily a reflection of the good mood and satisfaction of us all.

The financial services promoted and offered on this site are provided by FinSense s.r.o. and the advisers listed here as natural persons who are in the field of:

  • insurance registered according to Act No. 170/2018 Coll. as subordinate insurance intermediaries of the insurance agent,
  • investments and supplementary pension savings pursuant to Act No. 256/2004 Coll. as tied agents of an investment intermediary,
  • consumer loans according to Act No. 257/2016 Coll. as tied agents of an independent consumer credit intermediary,
  • supplementary pension savings according to act No. 427/2011 Coll.,
SAB servis s.r.o., IČO: 24704008, with its registered office in Prague 1 - Nové Město, Jungmannova 748/30, postal code 11000. This fact can be verified in the List of Regulated and Registered Financial Market Entities of the Czech National Bank, where you will also find current details on registration and its scope.